Sunday, March 6, 2011

Food Grown from Genetically Modified Seed GMOs

Do you read the ingredient lables on processed foods? Did you know that some of the ingredients in most all processed food products are from a plant that was genetically modified (GMO), with organisms? Genetic biotechnology has become increasingly more widespread, not only in location, but also in the number of various plants being altered.

Many, if not most, people are not aware of all the food products that either contain ingredients that were modified, such as in processed foods, and in canned and frozen vegetables grown from gm’d seeds. The seed manufacturers and the growers of their plants fight against making it a law to label the foods gmo. The European Union passed a law in 1994 that all gm’d foods must be labled as such. Japan and most other countries have also passed a law to label all gm’d foods, including the ones imported from other countries. The U.S., however, continues to battle over this labeling issue, and the scientific reports of the various hazards continue to get suppressed.

One of the seed manufacturers, Monsanto, had an attorney of who was also their Vice President for Public Policy from 1998 to 2001, M. Taylor. This same attorney/VP/PR rep. obtained a key position at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the nineties. He instated a policy essentially decreeing that “it’s all food; there is no difference from any other food; and if the biotech company that created the GM foods say they’re safe, that’s good enough”. That FDA policy for GM’d food remains the same to this day. Some estimates report that Monsanto controls 90% of the global market for GM seeds.

 Policy analyst for ‘Food First’, Annie Shattuck, stated that once attached to a pool of foreign aid funding, the pressure on open markets for biotechnology will be substantial.

 The herbicide resistant gm’d plants use a particular herbicide that goes with the seeds. It contains a chemical, glyphosate that is absorbed by the leaves into the plant. GM’d crops require more spraying than conventional and weeds are developing tolerance requiring higher and higher doses. A study by a molecular biologist at the University of Caen, Dr. Seralini, has shown that Roundup, also a Monsanto product, causes cells in human embryos to die and is an endocrine (hormonal system) disruptor.

Over 85% of the soy crops grown in the U.S. are gm’d, as well as corn, cotton and canola oil. Last January, the USDA past their decision through to de-regulate alfalfa, and recently de-regulated sugarbeets as well. This has been, and continues to be protested against by both conventional and organic growers, as well as ecology enthusiasts and groups. Alfalfa is a primary source of feed for livestock, as is also gm’d corn grain, and is also used worldwide as a field cover to enrich soil.

Sugarbeets aren’t normal beets, rather they’re grown as a sweetening agent used in many processed foods as it’s generally cheaper compared to sugarcane. This is very, very big business. Most all high fructose corn syrup in processed foods is of the gm’d version, as well as soybean oil in dressings and sauces, and msg. Canola (Canada) oil began as a gm’d product with the intentions of being used as a factory lubricant, as it initially was, and is made from the rapeseed plant. GM’d foods and ingredients suddenly appeared in 2/3′s of all U.S. processed foods in 1998, primarily the soy and corn.

Following are some foods that have been, and continue to be, grown from genetically engineered seed:

The U.S. midwestern cornbelt is now predominantly genetically modified corn and soybean. The pollin from gm'd plants are blown into surrounding fields of non-gmo crops and plants. Since the corn in Mexico has been perfected over generations, they’ve made strict regulations to protect their seed variety, crops and fields from GMO contamination. Many sauces such as ketchup, spaghetti sauce and paste, are from gm’d tomatoes.

Some of Canadian’s honey is from bees that pollinate the canola’s gm’d rapeseed crops. This put a stop to Europe’s importing Canadian honey. About half of the U.S. sweet corn acreage in 2009 was planted with gm’d seed. Four or five types of potatoes that include snack foods and processed foods containing potatoes, are gm’d. Cotton oil, generic vegetable oil, and many margarines are gm'd since they contain either soy, corn, canola or cottonseed.

Our meat and dairy products mostly come from animals that had consumed gm’d feed, and therefore causes us to be 2nd-hand consumers. As well as milk and dairy foods from cows that had been injected with gm’d growth hormone, rBGH. Some vitamin manufacturers use some gm’d plant material such as vitamin C from corn, vitamin E from soy, A, D and some B vitamins as well may be derived from gm’d plant sources.

In 2009 there were already over 40 plant varieties having completed the federal requirements for commerce, stated the FDA and USDA. The commodity price of corn has risen 37% over the past few months, and soybeans are up 19%. The manufacturers market the GM seed as more economical...?...

Are their ways to determine the difference at the grocery store?

  • Non-Gmo ‘Project Verified’ is a label being used on products to indicate foods produced without genetic engineering or DNA technologies. These may include foods such as sauces, and other processed and frozen foods.
  • Foods produced by 'organic' standards are also non-gmo, although they generally cost more in comparison to foods grown conventionally.
  • The small produce labels on single fruits and vegetables offer a hint of how they were grown. A four-digit number on the small label is from the conventional growers. A five-digit number beginning with 9 shows it's organically produced, and typically a five-digit beginning with an 8 implies it was genetically modified. Using the number 8 as the first of the five-digit number to denote gm'd produce may have either changed by this time, or may no longer be in use. 
Local Farmer's Markets and small farms in your area will be able to answer any questions about the seed they grow their food from. It's advisable that gardeners and small farmers read seed lables and double check to make sure the seeds aren't of the genetically modified type.


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