Sunday, September 21, 2014

Garden Review 2014

Garden in Review 2014

This year, I planted the cucumbers to grow upward in a new garden that was shallow. The soil needed more amendments as it got very hot this summer. Five plants produced about 20 cucumbers.

Tomato plants numbered 15 and did well. This is the first year I grew vine tomatoes and was surprised by the pink color and taste full of flavor. The rest were Beef Steak except for one grape tomato plant that was a volunteer from last year and did well.
Vine Tomatoes, Basil and Swiss Chard

Vine Tomatoes

Vine Tomatoes
Platter and glass from a garage sale.

Grape Tomatoes

Swiss Chard and Basil did very well.

Basil with Oregano and Cilantro going to seed.

Basil and Dill
Swiss Chard, Marigold, Alysom
