Friday, February 25, 2011

A Happy Harvest

Even with the heat waves throughout the season, I was amazed at how well the vegetables and flowers grew. Since temperatures reached close to 100 degrees F, the plants had to be sprayed every few days with pesticide.

Mix together Lavender oil, hot pepper juice, garlic tea, a couple drops of dish liquid and water. It's recommended to spray after 4:30 in the afternoon to avoid disturbing, and possibly harming, the bees as they pollinate the plants.

Twenty two tomato plants grew, flourished and produced an abundant bounty, as did basil, zinnia, sage, arugula, beets, dill, nasturtium, potatoes, turnips, peas, daisies, cosmos, marigolds, green and lima beans, lettuce, corn and and a few of the giant variety of sunflower. Got a few cucumbers, squash, carrots, zucchini, one pumpkin and a nice head of purple cabbage.

Tansy is a flower that is recommended to repel the yellow and black cucumber beetle.I was unable to obtain Tanseys last season, so the cucumber beetles and squash bugs multiplied during the summer. Another great worker in the garden that repels pests is radish. Grow radish throughout the garden allowing some to go to seed to repel cucumber beetles.

So far this year I've turned the compost, and raked and mulched the leftover leaves from last fall. I'll soon be starting seedlings indoors for about ten early season plants to get a step ahead and lengthen the growing season.

Beware of foods that were grown from genetically modified seed. When you buy seeds, be sure they are non-gmo so that the foods produced from them will also reproduce seed.
