Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Garden and Crochet

It's hard to imagine the weather could be as nice as it was today. It reached 72 degrees and just a few days ago there was still ice from the cold winter. I've been looking forward to getting a jump-start on the vegetable garden this year as last year I had to dig and till the beds first. The garden wasn't really planted until mid-May last year which was a good month behind average for gardening. All that was needed to be done to the beds this year was to clean them up a bit, loosen some dirt, rake over the tops and add compost. If it's not too wet from rain tomorrow, I plan to plant lettuce, spinach, peas, and potatoes.

Garden Outline

I sketched a lay out of positions, a visual makes it much easier to plan the garden. It also shows where everything is planted as long as I correct any changes made along the way. I reviewed a site that describes companion planting, which is placing certain plants with other plants. For several reasons this method makes the plants flourish better and easier as it helps to detract insect pests that can harm the plants and provides the soil with nutrients. 

There goes the thunder and here comes the rain right on time as in the forecast. The yard will be nice for setting seed by the weekend.
The camcorder I used last year to record plant growth is in need of an updated cord for uploading to the pc, therefore, it's setting in anxious anticipation for it's new cord to materialize. I'm wanting to use it again this year for the same and to compare this year's garden to last.

Crochet....A nice lady at church is in need of a sweater for one of her two Boston Terriers. One of the two chews on her sweater while wearing it, so she needs a replacement more often. I found a pattern on line last night and started it as I enjoy crocheting dog sweaters. Depending on my yarn supply, I'll probably crochet one of these every now and then. Although I have a small dog, she's middle aged now and and has it back off in no time. She wasn't introduced to it at an early age, and she maintains a warm temperature even when she's been in the cold for a while.

Colorful baskets of all sizes are fun to crochet at Easter time and the pastel yarns are bright and cheerful. 

Healthy Recipes..I'm always on the search for nutritional foods and desserts to make and bake. Have you ever tried baking with whole wheat or grain flour, and without refined sugar? A mission of sorts I've been on over the past couple of years to make palatable dishes that are both healthy and delicious. 

A cake without refined sugar and flour that tastes as good as a normal cake and decorated with dried and dehydrated fruits instead of candy.

Coconut flour, Buckwheat flour, honey, agave, xyletol are a few suggestions. 


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